Anyone familar with the Swan line of speakers?

looking for information on Swan speakers
Are you talking about the Swan Divas? They were sold by (no longer, tho) and made in China...
In the early to mid 90's there was a company called Swans that made speakers. They were absolutely fabulous. Dick Olsher did not found the company, but designed one of the speakers they made that was designed to be used with low powered single ended Triode's. I was absolutely in love with the Baton which was their $1800 speaker.

I own and love a pair of 2.1 Dulcets which must be 10 yrs old by now. Cabinets are finished in Formica, and thus rather unpretty, but they are inert and play great music. "The Dynaudio of Canada" back in the day. Check out for a current multimedia offering, and no, I don't know what that means either.
The current Swans are made in China, as Philnyc says, and incidentally if you're looking for a (largish) multimedia or TV speaker, the Swans 200 is probably the best.
If you look at the full range speaker page on there is a long running ad for swan speakers. the website (formerly is now The company was in Canada but moved to California. The speakers are built in china with some components originating in Germany. Now for the important part "How do they sound?" Specifically the 5.2's, 6.1's (foremerly known as Divas) and the M10 Sub. They look nice and they have reviews from sources I am not familiar with but that means very little. Anyone own these, heard these or have any info at all?