Apogee versus German Physics

Has anyone had a chance to hear GERMAN PHYSIKS speakers like the LORELEY, or the GAUDI. I would like to known if they sound similar or even better than a pair of FULL RANGE APOGEE tri-amplified with KRELL KRS200, wich is what I own. I am very eclectic in musical taste; I listen to anything as long as i think it is very good, from classical to rock'n'roll....
I have owned a pair of full range German Physiks speakers for about five years with no problems whatsoever (they are a two-channel version of the MovieMaxx, but with the current version of the DDD which goes to 21 KHz and the subwoofer module under the DDD module). These speakers are extraordinarily well built and not prone to damage at all so far as I can see -- I have been using them in my living room for the entire five or so years and they haven't given me a minute's problem. I should point out that we have no kids at home, so perhaps there's less opportunity for damage at the hands of careless or decibel-starved teenagers...
I haven't heard all speakers in this price range ($25 - $30k), but I haven't found a comparable full-range speaker which can approach them in transparency and dynamics, including Apogee, Wilson, JM Labs, Sound Lab and some others. I recommend them with no reservation whatsoever.
A quick update,I have had warping of the DDD in my legato and borderland done by the cleaning help.However that does NOT impact the sound and is easy to straighten out.However I recently had stainless steel covers installed over the DDD making them totally secure,one can also has the option of cloth covers.They are easy to install and can be obtained from german physics in germany.The Loreley speakers come with covers.I have played these speakers at very high volume they are instructible.I happen to have JM utopia speakers they are definitly very inferior to the german physics speakers.Properly powered these speakers are unbeatable for classical music audiophiles.
Being an Apogee owner for two decades, who has heard and owned several dynamic speakers. I feel confident in saying that the ribbon is hard to beat. The Apogee is still a remarkable, & unique speaker! I really don't think i can ever part with mine.
Ramy, I am really envious of your system, I'd sure like to hear that set up.