I'm looking for thoughts on the Tyler Acoustics...

Linbrook System II's. I currently own Soliloquy 6.2's and I am looking for a speaker with a more extended top end and some extra punch in the bottom registers. My current equipment is a Sonic Frontiers Power II SE, Sonic Frontiers Line 1 SE and a Krell SACD Standard. I listen to just about everything with an emphasis on Jazz, blues and Classic rock. For those of you who have heard these speakers, how would you describe their sound? I am looking for a little more detail then what my current speakers are offering. Thanks for any help.
Well, my speakers have arrived, thankfully in one piece.:) I am extremely pleased with them and the service that has been provided by Ty of Tyler Acoustics. The speakers sound very good to me right out of the box on my sub-par home theater stuff. My tube amp is off being repaired so I am anxiously awaiting that's return. I provided another shot of one of the speakers here. More images will follow after I get the room cleaned up. ;)Another picture
Beautiful veneer!

Those Seas drivers are also the only ones I deliberately show off without a grille.

I'm sure the sound will impress you, especially after break in.

p.s., I'm a very happy Woodmere owner.
Hi Old Pet, I still don't have my main system based on tube equipment up and running but with my home theater stuff they are sounding really great. I am not ready to give a review of them yet but I did write a small post on Audio asylum that will give you a few impressions thus far. You may have a look at that post here: http://www.audioasylum.com/audio/speakers/messages/201565.html
Nice post over at AA! The Tylers are only going to get better. They are also very revealing of equipment changes - so, you'll really like what you hear when you get your main gear into the mix. Good stuff!

