Which Hi-end monitor for near field listening

Looking to buy a pair of monitors for listening within 6-7 feet in small room 11*13*7.5. I hesitate between well known brand: JM Lab Micro Utopia Be, Dynaudio Special 25, Merlin VSM-MX, Totem Mani2 Sig...OR direct manufacturers: Tyler Linbrook monitor, Ellis 1811b which seem to get me same quality for much les money. Any opinions? I'd like the speaker to go down to 50Hz or less, have decent HT capability and DI-SA-PEAR!!!!.
As good as the SR17s are, I really recommend listening to the SR15s as well. To my ears, they are much better speakers all around. Waaay more PRAT, and a clearer midrange. Granted, many prefer the SR17s, but it really is worth giving the 15s a shot. Might save you some dough.
Merlin TSM-MX or MM depending on the amp you intend to use.

I use VSM-MMs with a Pathos Logos amp


The Merlins, Tylers and Ellis are the standouts on your list in no particular order, IMO. I would also add the Tyler Taylo Reference Monitors for nearfield listening that only needs to go down to 50 hz (as they go down to about 46, and cost about half of the Linbrooks). The Taylos I prefer slightly to the 1801Bs for about the same price.

All three (or 4 if you include the Taylos) will get the job done. Probably the Merins and Linbrooks are the best of the lot, but the Ellis and Taylos cost about half as much for about 90-95% of the others' performance. It will pretty much come down to your own sound and music preferences, electronics used, and how much of a value seeker you are.

Good luck,

I love my regular Micro Utopias, they just disappear, are super transparent, and have surprisingly good bass. Best of all they're easy to drive, I'm using 18 watts with no problems.
Here is my 2 cents worth of input. You should always audition it first. What we hear might be different from your opinion.
I Best recommendation is ATC SCM10. Aside from being a choice of recording studio's reference speakers, it's hard to find anything else that can beat it in such a small room. Since passive is hard to match, I recommend the active version. I'm very sure it will sound better than most of the speakers you listed above. The SR17 doesn't have the dynamic and the deep explosive bass you're seeking for. The Totem is not as transparent in the lower freq. The Tyler also can't produce good bass in this samll area. The Merlin is abit "Hifi" and good for HT. Not as musical as I would like. The Utopia and Dyna-audio is lack of warm in the mids when compared to ATC, otherwise they're great sounding. If you have deep pocket, my second recommendation is the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage. For $6000 in used market, it comes with its 200 lb stands. They're really nice sounding. A good amp is a must. They're more of work of art.
Just remember, a good stand is a must. Right listening height is critical.