DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
I really don't see where this "review" is any different than any other published review. When isn't a review paid for by the manufacturer? Isn't it normal for the manufacturer to foot the entire cost of "loaning" equipment to the reviewer? A paid for factory tour/junket is a pretty standard marketing ploy.

This is true. However, there is a difference between speakers being shipped to one's listening room free of charge versus paying the reviewer's room and board during a five day stay. Also, since Mr. Khesin (sp?) provided the tour and presentation personally, wouldn't you agree this could apply some pressure on the reviewer unlike what he might experience at home in his own environment?

No question the reviewer was thoroughly impressed by the speakers. There's no taking that away. However, the tone of the review cannot be separated from the circumstances of the audition, in my opinion.

How absurd is it to produce a $3K integrated amp and then only have $25K speakers to match with it? I would think something more in line price-wise with the amp.