DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Thanks for the kind words from 'tweak' and Bratschman.
The speakers (even if I did design them) are REALLY good.
They do not sound anything like a monitor loudspeaker. Both models have a 'big' live sound which belies their size.
There is much more to be said, but more is a commercial.
Larry R. Staples
DK Design/LSA Group
Bratcheman, you are a man with great willpower. I'd have to move those speakers to the garage! I couldn't stand to have a speaker that good sitting in my house and not playing music. I've heard both the LSA 1s and 2s. They are off the chart values and will seriously challenge speakers at several times the price. You will be surprised at how good they will sound, even with an inexpensive amp. It might be worth investing in a used integrated that you could easily re-sell when your system is ready. It may sound like a lot of trouble to buy an amp to get you through in the short term, but you'll understand when you hear the speakers.

I was a DK owner before Larry bought the company, and I have to say that the DK Amp and LSA Speakers are a perfect fit! That stands to reason as the speakers were voiced with that amp. Before I get attacked, I'm not going to make any money no matter what you buy, but my strongest recommendation would be to buy a DK to go with your speakers. Good luck.
A man with great will power, you say? You have NO idea! I have waited for over twenty years to have the setting to put together an audio system that I could only previously have wished for. A few extra weeks will not put a dent in my enthusiasm! ;-)

I have just taken the plunge and ordered a complete set of cabling from Cerious Technologies, and once I have broken in the system I will post an extensive evaluation.

BTW guys, get my login right, OK? It's Bratscheman (Bratsche is the German word for viola). That's about as much of a rant as you will ever hear from me!! :0

How big are the LSA 2s? Where can I find some specs? Frequency range/ sensitivity etc...

thanks for the Info.

The size should be on our website, though we are in the process of adding quite a bit, and it may be temporarily off the site.
The size is 39"High. The width in the front of the speaker is 8" widening to 9 1/4" then tapering to 6" at the rear.
The depth is 16 1/4 inches, not counting the binding posts.
Thanks for the interest.