DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
How big are the LSA 2s? Where can I find some specs? Frequency range/ sensitivity etc...

thanks for the Info.

The size should be on our website, though we are in the process of adding quite a bit, and it may be temporarily off the site.
The size is 39"High. The width in the front of the speaker is 8" widening to 9 1/4" then tapering to 6" at the rear.
The depth is 16 1/4 inches, not counting the binding posts.
Thanks for the interest.
>>>>BTW guys, get my login right, OK? It's Bratscheman<<<<

not gonna make friends quickly here with that 'tude
Of course, a much more erudite moniker would be Brazzaman, from the original Italian Brazza, standing for 'viola da Brazzo', then 'viola da braccio' in more modern guises. the German 'Bratche' is but a typical transalpine translitteration. But Essentially, Ellery's observation is correct. . . and, by the way, welcome back Ellery. . . did you stop driving at the edge of the Pacific?
Or "Bratwurstman", which has nothing to do with the viola, but may make the girls (or guys if you prefer) fantasize more about you when the surf Audiogon looking for eligible bachelors who obsess about all things audio!
