DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
Larry, they talking about your LSA model 2 speakers over on these forums too , , , ,
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what could possibly be the point of this post other than to "point" the other readers towards other sites so they can read more about Larry's speakers.

but hey...who am I to say anything ( may all jump on me now and copy this quote and then post "exactly" after it. But...why not email Larry directly if Larry is the one that you are pointing this out to.

sorry...gotta run...need to get some dakiom stablizers and bybee fuses quick.

Larry? there? catching my drift? I have a list already written of who's gonna jump me now...unless of course even more people sign up as members so they may rag on me for pointing out the least obvious to me and many others.
Ellery911, I think there are some folks who have and continue to post about DK products in a manner that will draw critics to accuse DK of (or continuing to) use sockpuppets to promote their products, thereby damaging their business. This just cannot be so, Larsky (Larry Staples) is just too clever to orchestrate something so worn and apparent to even the casual reader. Besides, I looked at the LSA speaker on the DK site - it sure is pretty. :-)
Has anyone yet heard the X-Dreams? Are they really as fantastic as described in the review or was it all just talk and no action?
I had a chance to see the X-Dreams, they are a reality. Larry Staples invited me over to hear the latest version of the LSA 2 speakers and I also had a chance to audition the DK amp again. Very musical and affordable combination. Great look and feel. They do have my respect and require further audition in my own home and space for me to comment any more. The X-Dreams were in for a photo shoot so I did not have an option to listen. They are killer in in construction quality as well as looks. Maybe in late January I will be given a chance to hear some of these products in my own listening room with my own racks platforms and cables. Tom