D-SONIC SOA Class-D Core Amps. The best Class-D ?

Owner/Designer Dean Deacon of D-Sonic in Houston in recent months dropped using the B&O ICE amps which he now only uses in the surround channels of his multi-channel home theater amps. He now uses a new Class-D amp in all of his Magnum2 mono and two channel amps which he states is the most technically advanced Class-D amp on the market, called the SOA Class-D core amps. The recent review in 6Moons of his new M2-1500M amp concludes its the closest that Class-D has ever come to tube amps in the upper mid-range and high frequencies.
Anyone bought or heard recently the D-Sonic M2-1500M or the M2-600M? What are your opinions?
Has anyone done a comparison on the following 2 amps?
1.Class D Audio SDS-470C ($700), 300W
2. D-Sonic M3-800S ($1,375), 400W
I have a feeling that D-Sonic is better, but I wonder how significant is the difference in sound quality. Worth the extra $700? Thanks.

I haven't compared these 2 amps directly but have indirectly:

I own, and previously used a Class D Audio SDS-440 as my main amp in my system. Class D audio's owner, Tom Ross, told me my amp and the SDS-470C amp sound very similar.

I currently use a pair of D-Sonic M3-600M mono-block amps in my system. These amps use Anaview/Abletec power modules and the D-Sonic 800S amp use Pascal modules. D-Sonic's owner, Dennis Deacon, has stated the Anaview/Abletec and Pascal modules sound very similar.

So, given the above, I'll describe the differences I noticed between the CDA 440 and the D-Sonic M3-600M amps:

Both are neutral in character and have smooth but also very detailed midranges and treble. Although the CDA440 has above average bass response and dynamics, these are the 2 areas I noticed were superior with the D-Sonic M3-600 amps. D-Sonic's bass is more extended, textured and detailed. I can discern different bass instruments more easily and clearly now.

D-Sonic's dynamics are also better. I can now clearly discern volume and tonal changes on individual instruments and vocals within the sound stage while these changes are more massed through the CDA amp.

The D-Sonic's soft to loud dynamics are also strikingly improved, which is very noticeable on HT and well recorded music (usually much better on hi-resolution omputer audio FLAC files at 24bit/96khz). However, the increase in power from the CDA's 440 watts to the D-Sonic's 1,200 watts per channel may be a main cause.

These improvements are subtle but very enjoyable. You'll need to decide if bass and dynamics gains are worth the extra money. Remember, this is not a direct comparison of the amps you're considering so your mileage may vary.

In my opinion, both of your amp choices are extraordinary audio bargains, delivering excellent performance at a very reasonable price. I think you'd enjoy either one and maybe you could just let your tastes and budget decide.

Hope this helped a bit,
It appears there is a Anaview Tsunami coming. I was informed in a conversation several weeks ago with Robert Cohrs, the new U.S. regional West Coast Sales Manager for Anaview, that just under 25 U.S. electronic manufacturing companies have purchased quantities of the new Anaview power modules during the past 12 months. Robert would not disclose any of these audio companies since NDA's were signed with Anaview.
I have 4 class d audio SDS 470 amps that I have bridged for mono operation in 2 systems- - so should be about similar to the d-sonic in power. I noticed a difference and certainly am very happy with the sound. My reference point is an Atma-sphere MA-2, which I had in my tube amp days, and, with world class preamps (C-J, TRL Dude) I don't feel I'm missing anything of what the MA-2s gave me! The Class d amps paired with high quality tube preamps are, to me, a perfect combination. And a bargain, for sure!
