speaker synergy and halo jc-1's

Ok, I did it. After much discussion and debate, I have purchased a pair of jc-1 monoblocks. I am in a somewhat isolated area, but my local dealer has been of much help and so we are compiling a list of speakers to try out with these amps. The short list so far is:

B&W 802D/803D
Totem Forest and/or Wind
Gallo Nucleus Ref3

This is currently what he stocks, but he maybe getting the Hyperion HPS 938. He also has access to Wilson Sophia's, but I won't be able to listen to them with my amps.

I have heard the vr4jr's using a BAT system through another dealer and I can probably get them to use for direct comparison.

My room is 14 x 16 feet with 8 foot vaulted ceilings. One side is open directly to a staircase, but the speakers won't be firing towards this side.

I listen to a bit of everything, but would say that electronic, rock and pop predominate my listening habits.

I haven't chosen my source cd yet- thinking wadia, audio aero or consonance droplet to try. Don't get me started with cables...

My question: Of the speakers I have listed (B&W, Totem, Gallo, Hyperion, Wilson or VR4jr) which would be most synergistic with the jc-1's? Any others you would add to the list? Any you would completely drop?

The Krell/Wilson combo is going to be a little bright and harsh but you will get the idea if they are setup correctly (Wilson's are like a microscope) The Sophia's will work with SS or tubes flawlessly and it is a stable 4ohm load (doesn't dip below). My friend powers them with an ARC 50watt a channel integrated (and he used a 200 watt ARC D400 MkII SS amp also before) and still has tremendous bass (using transparent Super MM cables). Your JC-1’s will barely come out of the 25watts of Class A bias would be my guess for most of your listening.

The VR's whether it is the bargain Gen III HSE that Tvad and Perfectionist has all have a very different presentation than the wilson's and the SR's may be perceived WP7 comp. but the I couldn't really say as I haven't heard the SR, but it's a huge speaker, the WP7 is know for producing amazing sound from a very small package that disappears in the room, plus fit and finish on the Wilson are extreme! 150lbs each for the Sophia in a small package...that is why the bass is tighter and more defined than the VR's (even though more quanity and lower bass is produced by the VR’s). The VR's have more rock and roll sound, the Sophia can play anything with precision like it's dissecting the music.

Your Monster S4 is awesome I have a friend that just got one and had the stock cans gutted and then reprogrammed. I wanted a Duc 748 back then but knew I couldn't keep me off the race track (I use to race) so I got the guzzi to keep my license in check.

Actually the motorcycle analogy could probably be used.... You could have bought a Jap bike -VR or you could buy the finesse of a Ducati - Wilson. And yes there is a price difference but the Brembo Brakes, fully adjustable suspension, stainless steel brake lines, etc are what put the passion in your Ducati. It's about the feel/control not about the specs. The Jap bike might be faster and even have better ratings, but the Duc just feels right...

Check all the details on the Wilson (he's a fanatic) (like they use resisters in a recessed plate that has Allen bolts on it so that if you blew a tube or played it too loud it damages the resister and never makes it to the driver!) Wilson keeps touch up paint for 5 years for you and plus you can get any color you want and the finish dare I say is better then my motorcycle! Think of fully adjustable suspension on your bike = the setup instructions for the Wilson (much easier on the Sophia's versus the WP7)....

Like I said before either people get it or they don't with Wilson's... just like Italian motorcycles - You should hear the music my 1100cc Guzzi makes racing through the hills being slowed by Brembo brakes and driven out of the corners orchestrated by the dry clutch and fully adjustable hydraulic controls... Magic when it is all working right!
Well, I listened to the VR's today.
First I'll go through the music, then the systems then my impressions.
1. Wagner-Karajan conducting- Tanhauser overture
2. Siri's Svale Band- "Black Bird"-Tr.1 "Don't Explain"
3. Chemical Brothers- "Singles 93-03", Tracks 2 and 4
4. Ben Harper-"Fight for your Mind", Tr 3 "Another Lonely Day"
5. Audioslave- "Audioslave", Tr 3 "Gasoline"
6. Boys to Men- "Legacy", Tr 2 "It's so hard to say Goodbye"
7. Bill Holman- "Brilliant Corners" XRCD, Tr 1 and 2

System 1: Classe CDP-100
Classe CA-2100 Power Amp (100w/ch)
Classe Cp- 500 Pre
VR4 jr
Nordost Thor
Nordost Quatrofil interconnect
Nordost SPM ref speaker wire

System 2: BAT VK-D5SE
BAT VK-250 + BAT Pak (150w/ch)
VR4 sr
PS Audio (PLC- don't know which one)
Nordost Valhalla interconnects and speaker wire

Unfortunately, the jr's had only about 50 hours on them, and so there was a lot of glare on the top end especially with the techno. I have heard them sound better than this, so I didn't spend as much time with them as I have in the past.
My disappointment stems with the sr's.
Are they accurate? Yes.
Do they have slam? Yes.
Do they present a large soundstage- sometimes- depending on what type of music I played.

What they didn't do is make feel as if I was there. I didn't feel as involved as I thought I should. With some of the music it did become magical, with a lot of it it did not. Don't get me wrong they are better than jr's, but right now I don't feel they are worth twice the money the jr's are. Now they only had 200 or so hours on them, but I thought they should be pretty broken in by now.
I was expecting the difference between the sr's and jr's to be the difference between let's say an XRCD versus a standard issue cd. I feel the differences between these speakers is much less than that analogy.

Cytocycle, I know exactly what you mean about the difference between Japanese and Italian motorcycles. I have had a few Japanese bikes in the past, but now with the Monster, I'll never go back. The Italian bikes elicit a passionate response that the Japanese bikes can't seem to duplicate. I'm not sure if this is the difference you mean between the Wilson's and the VR's. All I know is that when I listen to music, I want it to elicit that same passionate response and satisfaction within me after I come back from a ride. I didn't get that today with the sr's.