Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...

I would be grateful to hear any listening impressions from those of you who will be lucky enough to hear the NL14+ amps at CES or who have heard them previously. In particular if you already own an NL 10.1 or NL 12.1 and hear the 14s and are thinking of upgrading, please let me know as well. Thank you!
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Zephyr24069 are the NL14+ amps based on the Edge NL Signature One Mono Amplifiers.
My friend has the Edge NL Signature one amps.
He's using a Mark Levinson 380 preamp, Sony SCD-1 CD SACD player modified by Richard Kern and JM Lab Mezzo Utopia speakers.
The Edge NL Signature One Mono Amplifiers sound like a tube amp with solid state authority.
If the Maker amps are better then those amps, they must be amazing amplifiers.
My NL12.1 had similar attributes to the NL Sig Ones. The NL14 have even more weight and refinement in the mids & highs and all the same attributes only better without losing the SS authority. Very happy and impressed here...amazing is a word that applies!
Threw a lot of big classical on demanding playback levels at the NL14 yesterday and today. At only 250 hours or so, this amp is opening my eyes further to the changes it brings. It has taken everything I've thrown at it in stride and rewards with very musical sounds, great imaging and overall and very impressive experience. Don't have time to write more but "HOLY SH%^& What an Amp!" comes to mind no matter whether it's rendering subtle violin, piano, sax, flute, vocal or other delicate passages or is in full-on assault mode for any of the most demanding material I've thrown at it. Tom Maker has done it again and even better than the prior NL12.x and Sig One generations!
The NL14 crosses 350 hours today.....extremely happy with the texture, liquidity, depth and musicality of the entire frequency spectrum. I've had a couple guys over that know my system well and what this amp is capable of taken all by surprise in terms of what a jump it is over an already great amp that preceded it. The soundstage is much more dense in all dimensions and the room is filled with very realistic music you can almost touch.....extremely impressed and happy with this move!
After last night's great listening session, Zephyr, I'd agree completely. Compared to the NL12.1 you now have a more liquid and enveloping sound. You still have breathtaking levels of detail retrieval, but with a more liquid and enveloping and inviting personality, and less razor's edge character.

That your previous setup could be improved both boggles the mind and is the truth that keeps nuts like us spinning the gears in our heads.