Acoustic Zen vs. Nordost

I am thinking of changing my Acoustic Zen Satori speaker cables for Nordost Red Dawn. I am not at all unhappy with my present setup, but I am wondering if I could bump it up a little.

My system:
Dynaudio Contour S3.4
Krell 400xi
Meridian G 08 CD
Red Dawn Interconnects
Listen almost exclusively to classical music.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
The thread seems to be getting away from the question, namely Acoustic Zen against Nordost Red Dawn. Well I changed from Red Dawn to Acoustic Zen and have never looked back. I agree with other posts, the cheaper Nordost are fast but dry and tonally bleached out. The AZ cables have body, accuracy right across the frequency range and a rich tonal palette. I agree with another post, you can tell a cello from a violin. Ultimately, cables are a very personal thing, AZ are really excellent, but it's down to your ears and system in particular. To compare AZ Silver or Matrix reference against the Valhalla, is'nt really fair, the price differential is huge, even for the Absolute. As to the question of changing Sartori to Hologram, I would say no, they are basically the same but voiced for different speakers. Excuse me if I'm wrong, but Hologram for 2 ways, Sartori Shotgun for 3 ways. I use the Hologram with AZ jumpers and am quite happy.
As others have said, I think Nordost are overhyped, especially in the UK and HiFi Plus in particular, who seem not to realise there are any other top grade cable manufacturers. As for the power cables, well at least the Vishnu, deeply unimpressed
I just can throw in my spare comment. I use(d) AZ Silver Ref. II and replaced it with Nordost TYR recently. TYR smokes the AZ in every aspect although the AZ is a great cable. On the same high level (compared to TYR) but slightly different is the new Shunyata Antares Helix that I use as well.
I used Red dawn interconnects, not speaker cables and changed to Acoustic Zen, but Silver reference and Hologram, not matrix. I have heard up to SPM in another system. I agree with the concensus(some on the Nordost side though), it is no contest, the Acoustic Zen is a clear winner. The Nordost are fast, but that is it for me. The Zen are much richer, the Nordost seem tonally bleached in comparison. I have always thought that Nordost are expensive and overhyped, but as ever, cables are a matter of personal preference. As an aside, I find the Silver reference a big step up from Matrix