Subwoofer in the corner? Forget about it

Since installing new horn speakers, I have been learning a little about extracting their best performance. They require some effort and knowledge to get right - and the effort is the easy part.

Following "common wisdom", I placed the sub in the left corner, to the rear and outside of the left main speaker. The result was a disaster.

Boomy, one note bass, little tone and texture, very uneven response at different locations in the room, and no musical connection. This wasn't good enough for screening reruns of "Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo" on a HT set-up.

I repositioned the sub to the midpoint of the right-side wall. Now, it is a little forward and to the side of the right main speaker. Initial results are promising: Lower bass output (expected going from 3 corner boundaries to 2 wall/floor boundaries), coupled with musical LF, toneful and engaging. The difference between just moving alot of air and making proper musical bass is huge.

Here are two articles I found interesting:

both use models and measurements to confirm my listening experience - corner loading the sub is loud and rough, compared with other locations. And multiple subs are smoother than a single sub. Now, I just have to bite the bullet and make room for another refrigerator sized horn sub in my listening room.


Listening room: 15' x 18', suspended wood floor
Music used to evaluate sound:
Rachmaninoff, piano concerto 2
Astor Piazolla, Adios Ninos
Saint Saens, organ symphony 3
Rodrigo, concierto de Aranjuez
Doctor John, Duke elegant
Joe Pass, Portraits of duke Elington
The boomy bass problem can exist because of: 1) Poor sub design; 2) room related problems (sound field and standing waves); 3) struture problems.
1)Most sub use large excursion cones, wich are more dificult to control, facing to speaker cone towards the floor loads the cone with an air load (increases the mechanical impedance of the load), wich will enhace the damping properties of the system (the cone will move in a more controled way). Facing the sub to the floor will extend the sub lower frequency range by use boundary reinforcement.
Sub design dont stop here, there are more parameters to account.
2)A uneven bass response can be a result of the sweet spot position in the sound field. Try change your sweet spot or the subs position.
Standing waves is a room geometric issue.If you excite some of the room modes, you will have uneven frequency response. You can deal with this problem by using tube traps or a judiciously use of furniture. Try using the sub with a lower level in order no to overexcite some of the room standing waves modes.
3)Struture-borne sound is created by the motion of the struture surface (wall). The sub excites the wall, the wall vibrates and excites the air. In this particular case putting the sub in the corner is a good option because of the increase of rigidity and damping created by the various wall intersections (do a nuckle test in the midwall and in the corner). This problem could be the most difficult to resolve, it could lead to wall work.

Redwoodgarden - "A good sub in the corner will allow a recording of a 64 foot organ pipe bring out a sensation of an external heart massage. Nice!" - Not in your room, because of room dimension limitations. The notes lower than the lowest room mode will only be perceived in a nearfield audition (close to the speakers).

In the end this issue can be challenging or frustrating. Adopt the challeging view. Try a scientific approach: do some reading, make your calculations, do the necessary changes, do some music test and then report here.

***In the end this issue can be challenging or frustrating. Adopt the challeging view. Try a scientific approach: do some reading, make your calculations, do the necessary changes, do some music test and then report here.***

Yes! There are many variables, many not easily adjusted (like room dimensions and wall construction) leading me to say in an earlier post that obtaining great bass at home requires both knowledge and effort, as well as a little good luck. I prefer the path of knowledge and effort, but as in all life, some good luck is welcome.

I picked up the Rives CD last week to begin with some primative response measurements (Rat Shack SPL meter). It's a start, for an objective benchmark. Will "report here".


Thanks for sharing your experience. I agree that the corner is best for max SPL. But, I amicably disagree with one part, or perhaps simply misunderstand-

***Don't blame the corner for a one note, or boomy bass. Blame that on the resonance of your walls.***

Actually, I think it is the corner location. My wall "resonances" (does this refer to wall dimensions, construction, something else?) are uniform throughout the room. So that should not be a factor, again unless I misunderstand you.

I wish I had taken a response measurement when the sub was in the corner, to compare it with its present location, to have data for my room. But others have measured various placements. Check out the two links in the original posting. Maybe they will interest you as much as they did me. In both articles, corner location measurements show powerful but ragged output, compared to mid-wall. My personal experience was consistent with this. Both articles also used models and measurements to advocate multiple subs.

Food for thought.....

Warrenh and Stanhifi - Right-on! But the sub also added benefits, maybe most of the benefits, beyond simple LF response in my system. Mostly increased quality in the mid-range (sounds strange, I know) and a much better recreation of "acoustic space".

My experience with two Nestorovic type 8 passive subs was:
Flatest responce, best sound, was the two subs in the corners but 4-6" out from rear wall and FACING (firing towards) the rear wall. Mile Nestorovic has always said facing the rear wall gets the best sound but had recommended 2 feet from the corners. Each sub is slanted for time aligning I beleive and has 2 12" speakers. They cover from 200hz on down to about 20hz. Radio shack meter and Rives test cd were used for measurement. I did not try every concievable position but many.