Looking for a romantic sounding monitor

I currently own a pair of Triangle Zerius I want to keep and put into a second system. I am looking for a romantic pair of bookshelves to use with my Roksan Caspian MKII Int with a YBA CD Special. I dont know if Quad L series or B&W will give me the romantic sound im looking for. Any suggestions under $1000 new or used?
Silverline SR15's are great, but I wouldn't call them romantic per se. Maybe a bit on the warm side, but nothing like a Sonus Faber. SR15s are indeed wonderful, in any case.
I think the Jmr Trentes would fall into that class as well
Romantic and very musical
my Bose is spectacular to bang to...while playing my modded XYZ....Thousands and thousands of times...sometimes all in one day...
08-23-05: Bignerd100
Spendor SP3/1P... like budda!
This guy is right, these speakers are smooth.