Q. on shootout between time/phase coherent speaker


I have a couple of questions

1. What are folks opinions of strenghts/weakness (characteristics) of the famous time/phase coherent speaker lines out there (Thiel, Vandy, GMA, Meadowlark, etc etc)

2. Esp in the under $2k range.

3. Have folks backed up their impression with any scientific (measurements, and/or double blind).

I have Vandersteen 2Ce's in a HT system with Arcam AVR amplification (choose Vandy's as they have complete system and price wise a good choice)

My JM Lab Electras are extremely good. One of the few disadvantages of this type of speaker is the limited sweet spot. If you sit too far off to the side, the imaging moves. On the upside though, you get less room interaction and superb imaging when you are in the sweet spot. Another thing too is that speaker placement has to be more exact but after the effort, you get rewarded in a big way. The 926s are in your price range and I recommend them very highly. They are more like Thiel than Vandersteen in terms of sound type if that helps you at all. Good luck! Arthur
I echo what Arthur has said. Phase/Time coherent speakers are typically tricky to set up. Minute adjustments can yield dramatic results. It can be maddening, but once dialed in they reproduce a clarity hard to ignore. In addition, P/T speakers are typically hard to drive. Due to their crossover demands P/T speakers typically demand high power amplifiers. Only Very large Tube amps or high powered SS designs will drive these speakers optimally.
This is an old thread, but that is nonsense. 1st-order crossovers are the simplest and such speakers can be made *very* easy to drive - GMA's sure are.