Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?

Just learned about the new offering, it's in Sonus Faber manufacture web site but not in Sumiko web site yet.

New Amati uses Ring Radiator tweeter, but not sure if it is the Vifa or Scanspeak version. Rumor has it both midrange and woofers are now sourced from SEAS. Completely different drivers from top to bottom basically makes them a different speaker, sound is expected to be quite different from original version for sure.

Interesting Sonus Faber kept Guarneri Homage intact for 10+ years without any major update.

Anyone has more info or first hand experience with the new Amati Anniversario? Does that mean time to upgrade for me?
At the end of my respone I said IMHO. It doesn't have to be same as yours or anybody elses. I consider myself Sonus Faber fan(of Sonus sound) and I could agree with Semi that some people will be suspicious regarding new Anniversario.
Best thing is to compare both speakers in the same room.
Only then end results will be good or bad for each one of us.
I made my mind and ordered new Anniversario.
In fact I recently had a chance to audition new Concerto Domus at the lenght. I liked the way they sounded but, my best friend said to me that he likes sound of the old school better(Electa Amator2,Sigmun etc.). So, really no hard feelings from my side!
As Sonus Faber owners we all know the break-in importance for these speakers, I think that we must give more time to the new Anniversario to "breathe" and show what it gots. My dealer haven't brought it yet it's a very new speaker.
In my opinion Alma's system is far better than his dealer and the room is different so it's not safe 100% his findings respected though. In my opinion the new midrange is the best there is I 've big experience from Verity's speakers that use it and especially Sarastro. Also have in mind that the inventor and creator of Scanspeak is mr. Skaaning now owner of Audio Technology (midrange provision) and IMO Skanspeak is not the same without him. The tweeter is from skanspeak but with heavy modifications and with a round wooden labyrinth behind it. The seas bass cones did marvels with the Stradivari.
Summing up I don't know how the new Anniversario would go wrong.....only time and a lot of listening-sessions will tell IMHO.

Hi Semi,
no battle at all in my intention, as owner of Homage just my first personal and limited experience with Anniversario.
I'm sure Branimir is right in his experience, mine was just different, at today.
I also hope Anniversario is a better sounding spk than Homage, at least it will avoid to me to save lot of money for Stradivari !!

Anniversario is lighter and a bit smaller too.
As for cost, I mean that just the back side of Homage seems to me more expensive to build up,incluse the binding post, I don't know either what happens inside.
I upgraded from Guarneri Homage to Amati Homage last March without knowledge of the Anniversario. I was at first very disappointed after finding out about the Anniversario. But after careful consideration, I have come to the following conclusion: The Amati will stay with me. Regardless of how the Anniversario sounds, and I'm sure it sounds wonderful, I simply cannot imagine a more lifelike and engaging presentation I have achieved with the Homage, especially in the midrange. Nothing I have heard anywhere approaches this aspect of the speaker. I thought the midrange of the Guarneri was about as good as it gets, but the midrange of the Amati Homage is in a different league. In addition, I do not care for the styling of the Anniversario. It is not as elegant as the Homage, and looks more like a glossy Cremona. Considering the lost weight, the new binding posts, the flat front baffle, I would guess it's less costly to build. Of course this is just one user's opinion. To put my comments in total context, the rest of my system consists of Cary CAD-845SEI integrated amp, Aesthetix Rhea phono stage, VPI TNT V Hot Rod with Sumiko Celebration cartridge, and Harmonic Technology cables. There is no CD player in my system.
Glad to hear we can all live in peace.

I do agree Alma has better front end than his dealer, I heard the Audio Aero Capitole several times and each time I told myself I should get one someday.

I am also well aware Mr. Skanning is the founder of Dynaudio, Scanspeak, and Skanning (Audio Technology). Many have claimed the best Skanning drivers ever made was the one in Extrema. As an Extrema owners for years, I do find Amati to have better mid overall from transparency, detail, imaging, and other perspectives. To say Scanspeak is behind is probably not a fair statement, Scanspeak does have many brilliant engineers that continue to create world class drivers. Also, I am really not a big fan of polypropolyne (sp?) cone after owning Dynaudio for years. I found plastic cones to have a distinctive sound where carbon impregnated paper cone to have less "sound". Mr. Skanning might be a genious and he agrees metal cones are the worst, but his choice of cone material does not suite my "taste". But then speaker sound is a lot more than driver choices and Franco has proved that theory over and over again.

Play my Amati last night, still wondering how can it be improved?