Any info on new Sonus Faber Amati Anniversario?

Just learned about the new offering, it's in Sonus Faber manufacture web site but not in Sumiko web site yet.

New Amati uses Ring Radiator tweeter, but not sure if it is the Vifa or Scanspeak version. Rumor has it both midrange and woofers are now sourced from SEAS. Completely different drivers from top to bottom basically makes them a different speaker, sound is expected to be quite different from original version for sure.

Interesting Sonus Faber kept Guarneri Homage intact for 10+ years without any major update.

Anyone has more info or first hand experience with the new Amati Anniversario? Does that mean time to upgrade for me?
Glad to hear we can all live in peace.

I do agree Alma has better front end than his dealer, I heard the Audio Aero Capitole several times and each time I told myself I should get one someday.

I am also well aware Mr. Skanning is the founder of Dynaudio, Scanspeak, and Skanning (Audio Technology). Many have claimed the best Skanning drivers ever made was the one in Extrema. As an Extrema owners for years, I do find Amati to have better mid overall from transparency, detail, imaging, and other perspectives. To say Scanspeak is behind is probably not a fair statement, Scanspeak does have many brilliant engineers that continue to create world class drivers. Also, I am really not a big fan of polypropolyne (sp?) cone after owning Dynaudio for years. I found plastic cones to have a distinctive sound where carbon impregnated paper cone to have less "sound". Mr. Skanning might be a genious and he agrees metal cones are the worst, but his choice of cone material does not suite my "taste". But then speaker sound is a lot more than driver choices and Franco has proved that theory over and over again.

Play my Amati last night, still wondering how can it be improved?
Semi-I agree with you regarding plastic cones. But, as you said speaker is more then just drivers... Interesting thing is that Guarneri Hommage is using also Audiotechnology(sp?) midwoofer and we all know that Guarneri is pure magic.
New Guarneri Memento will use different tweeter( same as Anniversario and Strad I think) and new Audiotechnology midwoofer and I hope it will be either as good or better then old Guarneri. Also rumor about important person who left Scanspeak is truth. He was in charge for costum drivers( for Sonus but, also for some other brands )...
After that Franco made the decision and swithced to other drivers-result:Stradivari Hommage,Amati Anniversario and new Guarneri Memento(from january 2006).
If you are interested to see more of inside Sonus Faber factory( beautiful modern building ) check out Sonus Faber Denmark fan club web side
There are lots of stuff on it. Factory tour is a must! Finally we can see who is building our speakers.
Imagine just that, a bit of improvement (even a small one) this speaker must be the ONE.
But the Amati soul lives in both of them so there is no need to worry about and we all know that our path may lead us someday to the Stradivari's.

I only wish we all Amati fans (Homage or Anniversario) had listening experiences together and share the fun but I guess the distance is big.

This I can share. I have gone thru several power amps (Pass Labs, Accuphase, ARC, Sonic Frontiers, BAT VK-150, and some others can't remember right now) and BAT VK-75SE (or VK-150SE) really brings out the soul of Amati.

I had some reservation with BAT 75SE initially due to its low power rating. But speaking to Sonus Faber importer in Denmark who has access to many other fine power amps including Rowland he liked BAT VK-75SE best. The difference is not subtle - solid imaging, speed, rise and decay of each note, bass extension, transparency, and details to spare. I was so impressed I almost bought a second one to bridge if it wasn't the small room. I am sure Tenor OTL or Atma-Sphere OTL will be equally impressive or better, but BAT is tough to beat.

What do you guys use?
Amati Hommage-I heard it with Accuphase A60, Pass X250, Audio Research VT200MkII and Lamm M2.1-sound was best with ARC, Lamm close second...
New Amati Anniversario-Audio Research VT200MkII, Audio Research VM220, Boulder 1060 and Krell FPB450Mcx-choice here was tough, all of them sounded good. My friend liked Boulder best, Krell was second( he owns ARC VT200MkII!) for him. I decided that tubes are the way to go and my Anniversario will be powered by new Audio Research Reference 210/Reference3/Reference CD7 system( but, I will keep my eyes on Boulder and Krell, someday who knows?).
I also heard that Jadis JA200, DartZeel NHB108, Conrad Johnson Premier 350 and VTL S-400 are working nicely...
Minimum impendance of Anniversario is around 2.5ohms in bass, we should also keep that in mind...