Best Classical Music for Sonus Faber Stradivari

I just had installed the New Sonus Faber Stradivaris and will have a McIntosh 2102 Amp driving the. They scream for classical, and i'm just getting into classical. What are some of the best cD recordings available.
Have you heard any composers or type of music that you have enjoyed? I assume you are interested in the highest quality recording, not necessarily so much the performance, but the possibilities are so vast it would be helpful to have at least a small clue...If you can't do that much try some recordings by Reference Recordings, RCA Livings Stereo, or even Telarc.
You need to give us more. Classical music is a big genre, and it's hard to know what to recommend when we know nothing about your specific taste.

Dvorak's 8th Symphony with Claudio Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic is in my CD player at the moment...