Sonus Faber Cremonas or JM lab Diva

I am thinking of buying either the Sonus Faber Cremona Floor Standers, or the JM Labs Divas for my home theater and initially to be used for my two channel. I have actually never heard either, but I like the lower end models by both except the JM Labs 907be which I was not crazy about. I will admit I got the green light to do this from my wife because of the way they look, so I think that choosing between the two is something I can live with, even though I know there are more choices out there. I love the Grand Pianos which I own, nd like the concertos which I have owned in the past. The Novas and the Altos are something special but I have never heard the Divas. I of course plan to audition both, but I would like to hear some opinions of other people. I will use the following equipment

First Sound Pre amp (Deluxe)

Cary v12r (intially not the monos, but I will move to them soon)

Balanced Audio Tech Super Tube CD or Sim Audio eclipse not decided. I would like to go with the Balanced but I am scared it would sound muddy.

I have also considered the Audes Orpheus.

I have even had someone suggest using two JM Labs LR's

Any thoughts?

ever sit next to a piano being played in a living room or a mall or in a club? listen carefully to both brands with a bill evans or other piano disc in tow. don't let the audition turn into a female vocal fest. most modern hi end loudspeaker designs nail this. you can't fake the tone and weight of a live piano with a mediocre design.
I own the Alto Be's and have auditioned most of the Sonus Faber line as well as the Micro and Diva Be's and 907, 927, and 937 Be's. I'd take JM Labs any day of the week over the Sonus Faber speakers. I do think the Sonus Faber speakers are excellent with certain kinds of acoustic music. But the JMs are more excellent all around. I listen to a lot of electronic and electroacoustic music, which sounds really bad on Sonus Faber speakers. These do much better with classical, vocal, and jazz. But JM Lab Utopia Be speakers handle all of these genres equally well in my opinion. I also suspect that the JM Labs do better with tube amplification as well. Again though, it really depends on your musical preferences above everything else. I need the Be tweeters in order to process the extreme frequencies I listen to. A year ago, I heard the Divas with MBL amplification and was really blown away. I chose the Altos because I preferred the direct rather than reflecting bass. the Cremonas are beautifully designed speakers, but I think the Divas are better. YMMV
Washline, thanks in advance if you could say if the Alto's bass is controlled & if vocals are smooth (even ones that are not-so-perfectly recorded).
Quite the opposite point of view with Washline. I've heard all the JmLabs and Sonus Fabers and the SF brought music above all all the times. Actually I moved from jmlabs to Sonus Faber.
A classic de gustibus...... matter.
Just listen for yourself and discover what you want.