anyone heard zu definition speakers?

I am sekeing to replace my current Quad 988's. My budget will go up to $15,000. I use Thor tube amplification 150 wattt monoblocks, Thor line stage aned phono stage, Thor Dac, with a Cary 306/200 which I use as a transport. My analog is a VPI Scoutmaster. In any case, My Quads don't have the dynamics and without the Audio Physics Sub there would be no bottom end at all. The room has been treated by Mike Kochman of Echo Busters and things have dramatically improved. But, the speaker. I've read that the ZU Definition was excellent. Have any fellow
music lovers heard the Zu Definition. All speaker suggestions would be welcome. My room is 20x 20 with 12 foot ceilings.
I have not heard the Zu Definition speakers, but am equally intrigued. I think the design concept is great. Another speaker I would recommend is the Von Schweikert DB99. It also has a powered bass section and fits within your price range. It is very dynamic and extended on both frequency extremes.

I own them & am comletely happy with them. Everyhing that the reviewers say is true. If you are in the NY, NJ area, Zu is in Easton PA for a demo on Friday Sept. 16 & Sat 17. See their site for details
I posted my listening impressions of the Zu L.A. demo at

Others have added their own impressions to that thread. The Definitions are great. They would be at the top of my list if I had the $$$.
Ton1313 and Johnnylighton. Are you using these with tube or ss amplification? I understand that they are equally at home with both. True?
Ton1313 thanks for the info, I just got back from hearing them in PA. The Definitions were first with SS amps and they played a live drum solo from a Rush album. Really incredible dynamics. We played some other music with female vocals to orchestra and they were great but something was missing. Next they played the Druids with the same amps and although the drum kit was not as good, everything else was better. Finally, they used a 811 tube amp and a 300b tube amp on the Druids. That sound was incredible. I was blow away at how open the midrange was and how dynamic the instruments seemed. They did not play these amps on the Definitions while I was there, so I can't comment. I can't say about the Definitions, but the Druids are incredible speakers that have no business costing only 3K.