MJ Acoustics Subwoofers v. REL.

REL has been the first name for many when it comes to subwoofers for music.
But I'm hearing more and more good things about MJ Acoustics, which someone told me is staffed by a gang of ex-REL personnel who decided to go off and do their own thing.
MJ make a model 200 which is pitched directly at REL Strata territory and it has received excellent press in the UK and elsewhere.
Has anyone got their hands on one over here?
It's time there was some decent competition for REL whose products, in my opinion, are overpriced by their importer, Sumiko. MJ subs are apparently better priced and look equally as well made (in photos), but I'd like to hear from any Audiogoners who have bought or auditiioned MJ Acoustics subs, to find out if the sound lives up to the good looks and reports.
I have a rel b3 -- it mates really well with maggies --- very fast and tight, without being bloaty. I have heard that MJ does a good job with their subs, I have not had one in my room.
I have the MJ Ref 200 and find it to be a very nice match with the Talon Raven's, Khites and PSB speakers. It is VERY adjustable using both high and low frequencies inputs and cross overs. Pitch definition is good, SPL output is very good for its small size and it has mated well with all of the speakers I have used with it. On the down side, I find the remote control impossible to use effectively for making adjustments. However, once it is dialed in, its "money."
I was strongly considering a REL B3. I had a REL Strata-II several years ago and was pleased with it.

The B3 seems to be the recommended step forward from the Strata subs.

I have recently stumbled onto info regarding the MJ Acoutics line of subs and am looking for feedback from those who own or have listened to the MJ subs. Especially if you have compared them tot he REL subs...Brittania Series specifically.

I am considering the REF 100 MkII for use in my approx 14'W x 17'D x 7'H.

Those who are familiar with the MJ subs, please share your experience...are they "tuneful"...do they accurately portray the detail & "timbre" of the music, or are they just producing low bass "tones"?

Any thoughts on the down-firing drivers vs. the B3's front firing driver?

Is the wiring configuration via Neutrik Speakin cable the same w/MJ's subs as it is with the REL subs?

Any experience that you can share is appreicated.
Not a comment on the sound but perhaps some useful information anyway ....

I was thinking of buying two of them a few months ago based on reviews and my need for 2 small, great subs. I talked/emailed with a dealer that was a nightmare, didn't answer my questions (some he didn't know the answers to and others he simply avoided) and had almost no stock ie. limited colors etc. I then contacted the US distributor and found a similar story - not much stock in the country.

Seemed to me like they are just getting going here and have very limited supply and dealers. The chain of support in terms of technical help and/or repair work seemed confused as well which made me nervous. As a result, I would want to buy from committed local dealer if I was you.

I then happened to read a review of the Pro 50 in a British mag - it was up against several other small subs in a shoot out and the very clear winner was the Velodyne SPL-800R although the MJ fared very well too. They claimed the much lower power on the MJ hurts it versus the Velodynes.

I ended up buying the Velodynes used and like them very much with my Totem Hawks.
I have not heard any of the MJ Acoustics subs. But I have the REL B3 and Synergistic Research Rel Spec Phase II X2 cable. The B3 is very musical and blends seamlessly in my system. It easily disappears and is very detailed with lots of control and finesse. TAS did a review in its August 2006 issue. I thick the review was very accurate.