Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!
Look! Get real! Ok?

It’s either tube rings or wedding rings.

You still have time to think about it.

Fire as an old married man (27 yrs) WAF is part joke and part reality. It is a joke in that women often don't understand how sound is more important than looks or how the thing is in space. Now if you will have a dedicated listening room, then no problem. But if your system has to share communal living space then the speakers you buy better not be too big. Another thing is that my dear wife like many others when seeing a pair of speakers properly out into the room, you will get a look and a line like, "they're not staying there, are they"? They are also not tolerant of wires on the floor either or big amps between the speakers.

The money thing only comes up if your champagne ears don't match your beer budget and you have practicalities such as children to worry about.
Its Moonlight and pretzels the first year and then downhill the rest of the way. Spend Spend Spend NOW.
If she gets antsy tell her what sort of stuff other men get into. Let's see... first there are the golfers. Gone at the crack of dawn every Saturday & Sunday and back in time for dinner, leaving her to do all the chores and look after the kids... Then there are the drinkers. And how about the amateur stock car racers? And how could we forget the outdoor fanatics who disappear on two week fishing trips with their buddies a 2 or 3 times a year? Skirt chasers? Survivalists? Print up a list and put it up on the wall over your horn speakers!
My fiance was more accepting of my hobby than my wife is.
Get everything you dream of right now.
If it urks her now, and she forces you to choose between the stereo or her, obviously take the stereo, and chalk it up to lessons learned inexpensively.
Once you 'buy' (re: marry) her, it gets MUCH more expensive to have these differences. They know that, and take full advantage.