Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Joeinid: I originally ran the Job with no preamp, going straight from the dac to the Job and controlling volume in PurMusic. I had an issue (not related the the original hum/buzz of the Job), with PureMusic's volume at low levels so I took the Job out and used the Wyred integrated. Durring this time I thought about what preamp to get, TVC,AVC,LDR etc. After months I finally decided on the Lightspeed Attenuator. I had one about one year ago and sold it because I went to the integrated. Anyway, after waiting for four weeks, I still hadn't received the LSA. I just got back this morning from a five day stay in Vegas. I told my neighbor to look out for a package for me. I'm going to his house right now to see if it came. When I put the preamp and the Job back in the system, I will surely let you and the rest of the community know!

Just before I left for Vegas my new Synergistic Research Element Tungsten SE power cord arrived. I will put that on the Job 225.