What amp do you use with your QUAD'S?

I have had a pair of original QUAD ESL's in my system for about 15 years. The amp is a Berning 230 which I love and will always keep. I'm curious about what other owners of this speaker use to drive them as I would like to get a but more volume out of them from time to time. My musical taste runs from rock to classical with a smattering of jazz. I listen to classical mostly. I have searched the archives but really haven't found much. Hope to hear.
Would still like more on what everyone uses on the ESL 57's. Thanks for all of the input provided! Keep it coming!
2 Berning EA-230's in mono for 60 watts of triode magic driving some ESL-63's....I think I remember Berning saying that his EA's and Quads was his preferred setup.

I also had only 1 EA running in stereo for months and it was superb as well...
I use a Quad 303 for my ESL-63s. Sounds good to me. I am working on bringing a Threshold 400A (2x100W class A) back to life and use it to drive my Quads . Any thouhgts on these combos?


- Harald
I used Atma sphere MA1s on my 63's. Great combo, and I have seen great deals lately on used atma's