Floorstander or Sub/Sat

I'm agaonizing over whether to get, for music, floorstanders or bookshelfs+sub.

To my thinking, the ability to eqalize the frequency response of the sub(for as little as $100 with a BFD), would confere the biggest advantage.(I'm only allowed a minimum of accoustical treatments i.e no bass traps).
Standmounts also tend to sometimes image better that their floorstanding counterparts.

I'm hoping someone can point out something in defence of floorstanders that I may be overlooking.


In defense of floor standers:

-They are capable of imaging as well as monitors (my Silverline Sonatas do)
-No worry or fiddling with bass integration of a sub
-No additional expense of a sub
-Fewer interconnects (cost and aesthetics)
-No sub placement worries or floor space compromises
-Considering the stands monitors take up roughly the same space as floorstanders
-Bass response required below 32hZ is needed in very few musical passages
Floorstanders have better coherence its sometimes harder to get this with a sub/sat.
I am now of the opinion that for the money a sub is necessary, even if only for the sub-30Hz information. So many opinions....but, unless you can spend a large sum for very large floorstanders, I think subs are great. I like the way monitors image, but they require excellent heavy and solid stands to sound their best. Even with large floorstanders that have large bass drivers, integrating is still an issue. I now use a 12" Hsu sub to augment my floorstanding Dynaudios. Just my opinion, of course. It becomes an issue of cost, space and WAF.