Cables for B&W Nautilus 802

I just purchased a pair of 802's I love the sound of the speakers but with some of my music they sound a bit brite.I am looking for a cable to tone this down.
Athem D1 pre/pro and Moon Aurora amp with Stright Wire Rhythm cables bi-wire.
Any other tips or tweaks to offer I would be thankful

Thank all of you for your replies and comments.I will take the advice and talk to guys at the Cable company.All of you have been a lot of help.

Happy Holidays to all
Judy wouldn't know truth or honesty if he or she whatever Judy is was standing on it. This is based on reading a lot of Judy's answer's on this site. To call a pair of B&W N802's a pair of sonic dogs just shows what kind of intellect we are dealing with here.
This may not be of much help, but who knows. I'm using the Acoustic Zen bi-wired on the new 803d's. Amp is the Cal Audio MCA 500. Switched from the Audioquest Gibralters which I had on an older system with 805n's. My room is very bright and the Gib's just didn't cut it. Way to lean with the 803d. The Zens really smoothed things out without losing detail. Soundstage is fantastic and base is nice and tight. On top of that, they are much cheaper than the Gib's and many others. I demo'd a ton of much more expensive cables and was most happy with these. There may be better, but this combo sounds great in my room with my gear.
>>just shows what kind of intellect we are dealing with here.<<

I think personal insults are out of place don't you?However readers should know that, as an owner, your comments are quite slanted. One need only to look at all of the B&W speakers (hundreds actually) for sale on Audiogon to see that many sellers have realized what I say is true. Do they have an "intellect" issue as well? I suggest you rethink your position and/or go listen to some real speakers and stop drinking the kool aid.
Can't we just get along. As always the true value of any speaker is in the ears of the beholder. Just remember that for every gorgeous woman out there, there is some guy out there that is tired of _____ her. As for the N802's being on the brite side...I have noticed a significant difference when replacing front end gear & amps. I use all Transparent cables:Reference MM Balanced interconnects, Reference Digital AES/EBU 110 Ohm to Transport and Ultra MM Speaker Cables and have been very happy with the results IMHO.