BAT VK5i power tubes.. 6l6? 5881? kt66? by who?

Need help yet again... looking to replace/add to my currrent stock of Tung sol 5881 (NOS, NOT RE-ISSUES), i RECENTLY OPTED FOR the 'reissueed Tung sol 5881... fair price I guess compared to the NOS version... but two things come to mind...
1. Just how long do these tubes take to open up? ...under low to moderate power they produce little above the mid range... add power and they open up more, though not what i'm used to with the NOS versions... they've got about 100 hrs. or less right now...

2 Is it true that RCA & GE 5881's were made by Tung Sol? how can you tell?

I run a complete set of PQ USA AMPEREX WHITES W/SHEILD in the sig set... a pair of Amperex 7308 whites in the shunts... and I just bought another pair of the PQ USA 7308'S about a week or so ago... they opened up pretty quick... I don't think the 're-issued tung sol's 5881" have as yet... or they are bad. also one of the re tugns has a dent in the top of the tube... is that OK?

OTHER'S HAVE MENTIONED that 6L6, KT66, and some other tubes work the same as 5881's.... but I do not know myself... especially in the BAT vk5....

Any help is more than appreciated.... what's the best choice in the output tube slots for a bAT vk5i?
Hi Blindjim, No I've never tried the Matsushita. The Matsushita are from Japan's electronics boom in the early 70's. They were used in televisions mostly, as I understand it. Andy told me that they are excellent tubes, but still aren't Telefunkens or Amperex. They are better than anything made new now, however. I think that dynamics, clarity, top end and bottom end would be quite a bit better with Tele's or PQ's. For a nos tube, I'd put them just above the middle of the nos tube pack. Best wishes. Stan
I own both a quad of Amperex Orange Globe Logo Made In USA 7308s as well as a quad of Matsushita Made in Holland 6DJ8 (the Mats were from Andy of VTS) and yes the Mats are a tad warmer and richer than my 7308s. However, I like the sound of 7308s better since they seem to sound more natural. Nonetheless the Mats are nice tubes, a lot better than the Sovteks and Brimars I tried.
I also like the original Tung-Sols in the power supply.My 5se now has the 6H30s for the signal, but still uses the 6DJ8s in the outboard regulators. So I can't match the reg tubes with the signal tubes. There I use the Siemens 6DJ8s.

I would like to know if anyone has been using the 6L6GCs or any of the newer brands of 5881s, such as TAD or Electro-Harmonix ?