Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Quote from the Jazz Times review:Speakers can take up to several hundred hours of playing time to begin sounding their best. However, as soon as I had the Nines up and running, I had to call DeVore to tell him that these were the most outstanding speakers I’d ever heard in my home, a judgment made while listening with a modest nine-watt amplifier.Quote:

From this review:

Cheers George

George, you never stop do you? You have ben trying to dimish this amp from day 1 based on just a picture of the innards. When that failed and the feedback has been overwhelmingly good, you now say that it cant power anything but benign loads.

Why do you fear this $1,700 amp so much? Is it because you perceive a commercial threat?

Dont worry, there is space for many kinds of products out there and all kinds of competing philosphies. Nothing is right for everyone, but many seem to be well satisfied with the outstanding value proposition they get with this amp.

Just let it be. It's a useless battle to wage, as the amp is still selling like hotcakes where demand still outstrips supply. No amount of speculation will change that.
Klh007, so did you get a chance to hear the Job driving the 3.7s and the Pendragons? I'm curious to know how it did with the Maggies. Also, because of the Job's incredibly high gain, I have a feeling the volume knob didn't go too high while driving the Pendragons which I think are pretty sensitive, if I can remember.