Merlin speakers a new start for me

hi folks.... Long time audiogoner and have not used the form a great deal. I am in mid change over from a home Theater setup to a two channel system. The basic problem is space. Running two systems did not work so I combined what I had and have been running 2 channel.

At the moment I am sort of between systems but what is left includes.

Preamp Classe 5L
Amps Pair Threshold T-200's (Both have been updated by Jon S)
CD is the Dennon 2900
TT is a project
Speakers at the moment are a pair of Revel M-20's
Revel B15
I have a S-30 and a pair of older Paradigm ADP surrounds that are not in use
I also have an older Sherbourn 5/1500 left over from the HT.

My thought at the moment is to keep most of what I have and simply add a hi end pair of monitors, or speakers somewhere between 2-5k. I have been bouncing around between

Merlin VMS M or SE
Merlin TSM
Revel Gems
Thiel 3.6 the 2.4 or even the 6
ATC 20's or 50's

I have been a long term fan of Celestions and had either a pair of the SL-600's or the 700SE's for the past 15 years. So I am both a big fan of a clean image and or a very very good sound stage both of which I got from the Clestions. At this point, I simply feel the Celestions are too old to be reliable.... and I would like something new. The room I am in is moderate in size and has a very very bad suck out around 50hrz so the speakers will likely be used with the Revel handling everything from say 60-80hrz down.

Thought I would ask the form espcially those that know and have heard the merlins. My plan at this point is to keep the Classe/Threholds and the Revel B15. I am not really attached to any of it at the moment as I am not getting all that I think the system can offer.... so any suggestions welcome.

I don't know how much bass energy you have now, but I had MM's for several months and to be sure,they are lacking in that area. I speak to the lower 1/4 of all music.(as mia)--and I did miss it enough to sell them.
You don't mention what kind of music you like, and this info could be
critical to a definitive yes or no recommendation.

I heard Merlins, and based on my music preferences, a sub would've
been required. Since you have a Revel sub, the Merlins might work well
for you, but I'd strongly suggest listening to the Merlins first. On the
other hand, Merlins are fairly popular, and therefore you may be able to
buy a used pair, try them, and re-sell without taking much of a hit if you
find they don't quite work for you.

Also, if you do some further reading you will find that a majority of
Merlin owners use tube amplification (Berning, Joule Electra, etc), and
high end cabling (Cardas). With a purchase of Merlins, you might find
yourself embarking on an unintended upgrade path. That's not
necessarily a bad thing if the Merlin sound is what you're after, but you
would be wise to discover if the Merlin sound is to your liking
before taking the plunge.
Merlins can deliver clean bass down to 25hz if you set them up correctly. I know, I've measured it in my room. They might not have the mid-bass hump that many speakers do, but the notes they play will be tight and realistic, more so than most other speakers. They won't play an 18hz organ note, but that's about it.
Also, while I agree w/Tvad than many Merlin owners(me included) use tube amps, Cardas cabling, etc., there are also many who use ss amps(e.g. Belles 150, Audio Analogue).
If you go w/the used Merlins, one consideration is that those with the glossy colored cabinets (vs. studio black) offer you an upgrade path to MX. IMHO, you want that upgrade path if MX is currently out of your price range.
The best advice is to call Bobby at Merlin and talk with him about your sonic preferences, and your future plans w/other components, both short and long term. He is also now distributing an Italian tube integrated that is rumored to be an excellent cost effective option for those looking for high quality sound with Merlins. Cheers,
I can see some people needing more bass out of these.I have year old VSM-MM's with modded Counterpoint power and pre and just broke in the new Bam and alittle more bottom would be OK,HOWEVER,I am extremely happy and do get alot of bass,though I have not measured it,to my ears its just fine.They are keepers though YMMV as usual in this sport.Cheers,Bob
Thanks for all the information. I do plan to hear a pair of the Merlins first. There is a dealer although he is about an hour and a half from the house.

Music tends to range from jazz, to late 60's rock. Female voice and some new age stuff, such as Morcheba and the like. I seldom go for the hard rock or anything of the sort any longer. Lou Reed, Van Morrison, Bob Dylan, Yes, Genesis, Tori Amos, Patricia Barber and out to stuff like Cracker's Gentelman's Blues of late.

From what I am seeing here, the Merlins look like they need to be in the mix, so I will have to get out and get a listen. Again thanks for all the feedback.
