Best budget bookshelf speakers for 3-600 dollars.

Hello all now that I've made a decision to stray away from active monitors (genelec 1029a) I need to decide upon what I can best get for my money. As a reference I would like to tell you what kind of headphones I own so you can have a taste of what I like. I own Senhessier 580 aswell as etymotic 4s and 6I and some shure 3.

I mostly listen to classical (brass music, big ochestra) and jazz (clark terry, lester young etc). I do have my ocassional moments when I go rock crazy for awhile. I know there all different mediums are there any speakers that can handle all pretty well for the price range 3-600 dollars used or new (lower better more around 4-500 just willing to plunk a little more if need be).

Feel free to give me any models. I live in NYC so am sure I can find someplace. Speaking of NYC where are the good places. The only place I've been to is soundexchange and I don't much like the sales people there.

Thanks again like always.
If you are accepting recommendations for small floorstanders then Sfar's input is right on target. The Kestrel Hot Rods can be found in your price range and are an excellent choice in a small floorstander. Although a bit larger, the Vandersteen 1C is another excellent choice in your price range.
I tried quite a few monitors including NHT SB3s, Von Schweikert VR1s and Acoustic Energys, in a small room but ended up with floorstand speakers as they take up no more space and do more of what I like. Good luck and enjoy the search.
I'll second Sfar's and third Timrhu's recommendations. I am concerned about the new info re: computer source and bedroom location though. Where these speakers are to be positioned and your listening position are very relevent issues. This may be more of a concern with 1st order speakers like the Meadowlark, Vandersteens et al..Many speakers need a minimum distance from the listener to achieve performance potential. As for the computer source, that might be another issue. What are your plans for amplification?
As for amplification I was planning to use a intergrated amp either the Nad C320BEE or the audio refinement complete. Yes room constraints is an issue since my computer is situation on the same wall as my 32" television. I plan to position the speakers on either side of my television. I plan to use m-audio audiophile (external usb) as source. I plan to listen from my bed, or from my computer chair. I know that a perfect set-up but it's the best I can do until I move into a house and have a seperate listening room.

It was for this issue with my room that so many people suggested near-field bi-amp speakers such as genelec or dynaudio. I listened to some and even though they do many things well, there just not to musical to listen to.

I also figured going with an amp would give better flexiblity in the future than just buying active studio monitors. That's why I wanted to get suggestion of good bookshelf speakers that are fairly small but good performers. Is it possible with my room constraints?
Perhaps you could give us actual room dimensions and your planned speaker placement and listening distances? Do you plan to listen to the integrated amp/speakers while using your computer and/or watching TV?