Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
AM fuse in. Those with Job amps must change out fuse :)

A very nice change for the better.
Glory, the consensus is that SR Quantum fuse and the AudioMagice liquid Nano fuses give the biggest impact.
You guys might want to check this out:

It's the new fuses from Audio Horizons. Expensive, but supposed to be outstanding. I know everything is system-dependant but supposedly better than the Liquid Nano (which Joeinid likes so much). Joe, you may want to look into this fuse as well!

I replaced the stock fuses in my Metrum DAC and Job 225 with Synergistic's fuses and the improvement was exceptional. Lower noise floor,more expansive soundstage (wide and depth), more detail, etc.
My only regret is I didn't to it sooner.
Hate to nitpick but the Audio Magic Liquid Nano fuse was replaced by the Super Fuse last year. I have the Super Fuse and it is very good. One wonders if there will ever be anyone willing to roll up his sleeves and evaluate the best four or five aftermarket fuses...hmmmm
Hi Guys,

Two quick questions about JOB.

1. Is your JOB straight? My Wobbles on 3 feet on level surface (it does not wobble but when you press on one of corners it will transfer the mass indicating that it is not straight and that one feet is slightly hanging in air).

Could you try yours and let me know?

2. When I am very close to (5-10cm or 2-4 inches) I can hear a faint but present buzzing or vibration. When I put my ear against the top cover of it it becomes very apparent. I suspect it is a transformer inside but I cannot really tell as I am not an expert.

Could you bring you ear to the top cover and tell me if you hear anything? (when music is not playing ofc.

Finally my job had 0 run so far so I dont know if I will hear any buzzing through the speakers or not when in operation.
