Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
I heard and was awed by the Magico Mini at CES. With a huge soundstage, crystalline clarity, and that elusive 'close your eyes and you are there' quality that I'm sure other manufacturers must all shoot for, and mostly miss.
I'll not purport to be a qualified judge of whether or not they're worth $22 large, but I'll admit that is a little out of my budget.
I did find a speaker that I could afford that posessed these same qualities, and the measurements to back it up: the BRSE HR-1 (www.BlueRidgeSoundEng.Com). They are an even younger company than Magico, but just as on the ball. That they have created somthing that I believe can actually compete with the $22,000 Magico Mini for $20,000 less is flat out amazing.
I don't know that I'd go so far as to say that those of you ready to plunk down $22 large on the Magico should buy these instead, but I will say that those of us without $22,000 to burn are no longer left out of the truly high-end.
The guys at BRSE are straight-up too, they even mention the Magico Mini as an excellent speaker and suggest that anyone with $22,000 to spend go give them a listen. They say nothing negative about it, only praise.
Perhaps these guys aren't quite sane, praising other speakers and selling theirs at rediculously low prices, (see current Audiogon auction) but it doesn't matter to me if they get thrown in the loony bin, I've already got my pair and I love 'em!
I can say I am interested and intrigued by the Magico speakers. Maybe I can make some type of arrangements to audition the Mini's. Who knows, maybe they will be part of my line-up someday in the not too distant future.
I will try to answer everyon's questions. This forum is so user-unfriendly...

Salon vs MM. Not really apples to apples. I am selling my Salon to a friend, and I am going to tell you the same thing as I told him. The Salon does *everything* well. They are extremely well engineered. The MM however takes sound reproduction from an entirely different approach. The fact that Alon Wolf chose to use an Acoustic Suspection design is his way to make a statement imo. And the results (I also briefly heard the Magico Model 6 (USD98k) are indeed different. Namely, the transients responses, the dynamics (macro and micro) are in a totally different league.
However, when you look at the Salon, it can reach 20Hz in-room with 'ease' and authority. The Salon does *more*, but the 'region' where the MM works, it works SO much better then the Salon (well, differently anyway).

They maintain a very 'full' sound even under low volume. This was a surprise to me, but they work beautifully at lower volume. (like right now! =) )

Mr. Rothermel,
I am sure you can get by with a LOT less money. The MM are one of those 'finer things in life'. I only wish I have the space for the Model 6 and I would spend 98k on them.

You do sound like you have a very interesting room setup. One very important thing I have come to learn, is that the MM loves space from the sidewalls. I started with 28in from sidewalls, and they are now close to 40in from sidewalls. The changes are dramatic. Once they move closer to the sidewalls, you lose a little more of that 'magic'.

You should definitely hunt down a pair and listen. They are truly remarkable.
Wslam,thanks for the thoughtful response.I have heard the Salons,and liked(not loved)them.Yet,I do believe a really good(rare)two way has a very coherent presentation.One I am fascinated with.I know,from Jeff Rowland,who I have spoken with,that the Minis are "WAY" dynamic,and he stated the folks who have heard his speakers were "amazed" at the performance vs size.Hence,my curiosity for you to post,as I know the Salons are very well designed,and go full range.Maybe a little too much,but very nice.
Obviously room size and placement factor "Big Time" in ultimate performance(there is a limit to bass depth,anyway,and I am not of the ilk that must shatter plaster....I like the Kharma 3.2,for this reason).
From the new pictures,you posted of your Mini set-up,I must assume you have "MAXI" sound!
Btw,I have a dear friend,who is not as brave as you(in going for a Mini(not really)monitor.He has a speaker way too big,for his room,which is small,but he can't digest the "Mini Monitor" word!His loss,as these(though the Ridgestreet Audios look WAY cool)would be perfection,in his room.To me there is NO matching a good sealed enclosure.Just my opinion.He,also runs a superb Rowland 8t,which would drive the Magico's to perfection,IMO!