Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
I have heard the MM twice at local dealer. Impressive for first 10 minutes or so. Fatiguing to the ears after that. HiFi-ish to the extreme.
If uncolored, dynamic, linear, low distortion wide band sound fatigues you, then yes, the MM can be too much…
But seriously, I can not imagine a fatigue listening to a properly set up MM. Why don’t you tell us more about the setup you heard?
haha. hifi-ish?! magico? ok. my experience is so different... I don't think we have any sort of common grounds to discuss! =)

we are too used to the distorted ported design. it is sometimes 'shocking' to hear something so truthful in its entire presentation!
To Wslam: the MM is so "truthful" it makes recordings sound like they were recorded with a mike attached to every piece of instrument and a mike attached to the voice cord of each and every singer. fatiguing to the extreme after 10 minutes.
The local dealer use tube amplification. Still, to my ears, listening to MM is like listening to those XRCDs as opposed to vinyls.