Has any one heard Magico Speakers?

Word of buzz quite strong, 6 moons preview points to something quite interesting...any one have 1st had exp?
I have heard quite a few superb speakers sound lousy,at times.Particularly in dealer showrooms,or Hi Fi shows.I doubt if the Magico Mini is anything other than superb,in a system owned by a well heeled,experienced music lover.
My own speakers(Classic,superb,and flawlessly maintained Avalon Ascent Mk II's),also a sealed box,and very hard to voice correctly,sounded like "dreck" when I auditioned them,at first.I am glad I took that session with a grain of salt.It amazes me how good these designs remain.Regardless of price.The Mini seems to me,to approach this level of "in a decade,or two,it will still be of heirloom standards"!!Room size not-with-standing.
I,now,have a dear friend leaning towards the Verity Ovations.He has a small,but good,room,with superb supporting equipment.I have mentioned he seriously consider the "Mini's",but he,like others,does not like the "M"(mini)word.I am willing to bet it is the more accurate transducer,to what is on the disc.No disrespect to the wonderful Ovations.Of course there are a "ton" of superb mini woofs(which take up little space),to blend the bottom most octaves.No need to go over the top with huge sub/monsters,these days of high tech stuff(some of which actually work).
I will assume he will be none the better off,as I'll bet this Mini will become a classic!
Hey Sirspeedy, as one who has also owned Avalons (Eclipse, Eidolon, Eidolon Diamond), I also feel the same way about my new Ultimate Monitors. Like the MM's and the Ascents, they are a sealed box design although I suspect that their cabinet is somewhat more sophiticated than over the other designs. The MM's are more cutting edge in terms of driver selection although the UM's have made me aware that cabinet/crossover are of greater importance in the end result. Having not heard trhe MM's, I have nothing but respect for the work of Alon Wolf, as I also have for Charlie Hansen (the designer of the original Ascents) and Dr. Karl Schuemann (audiomachine; UM's).
To sirspeedy70680@earthlink.net: probably a classic for the hearing impaired, who when they go to a live concert must always sit in the first row.
the need to 'buy' in this shrinking hobby always outweighs the need to 'listen'. can't wait to see what mini model comes along next.
I heard the system that was reviewed in TAS...the top of the line with individual amps for each driver. In a nutshell, they're the best I've ever heard at conveying the presence and sound of real instruments. Top to bottom they were simply amazing. Are they perfect? No. For what they do best though, they have no peer. It was easily the most revealing and accurate system I've ever heard. However, that system includes the custom room as well as the speakers, amps, active XOVR, etc. Not for the faint of heart. Also, as far as I know, these are the only ones with the active XOVR which makes such a difference.

This system has no relevance to the smaller speakers with single amps. It's simply engineered and implemented on another level. I would love to hear the Minis in the same room though for comparison! With out that we may never know.

I doubt this helps, but it certainly can't hurt.
