Who do you trust?

Hi Goners,

In light of recent questions concerning 6 Moons policies...I ask you:
Who or what,if any, magazine or reviewer do you believe is genuine and non influenced in his or her reviews?
The overly clinical and paranoid need not contribute!...:-)
Please answer with details and thanks,
Why can't the OP of questions like this be more specific about the article or event that motivated the question.
"In light of recent questions concerning 6 Moons policies" What is the OP referring to? I understand from the context, but would like to read the "questions" for myself. Can someone please provide the reference.
here is that article from 6moons that says that he's charging ad money starting June/July 2014. Scroll down in the article about midway to the para that begins with "So here's the upshot...."

No spell check on that 6moons site? Toekn ad?
If I were paying money, I would expect more professionalism from my journalist. ;^)
If I were paying money, I would expect more professionalism from my journalist. ;^)
nobody paid for an ad in that article - it was a "free-loader" taking advantage - that's why the spell-checker was turned off.. (written with tongue firmly in cheek! ;-) )