What are in these Bose speakers anyways

[url=http://www.bose.com/controller?event=VIEW_PRODUCT_PAGE_EVENT&product=am10_surround_inthebox&linksource=productnav_txt_inthebox Bose Acoustaless[/url]

On the website I could find no info of Freq. response, drivers used or sizes of drivers and no mention of the materials used for the cabinet. Don't people want to know what they're getting for $800 or $ 900 dollars? I am courious to know if anyone knows the make up of these speakers.
I'm thinking of trying their new 3-2-1 'plug-in' device that makes your system sound like surround w/just 2 speakers. has anyone seen that ad on TV yet? there's a 30 day money back guarantee. maybe we could all chip in, buy one & take turns auditioning it before we send it back. hell, someone may decide to keep it.
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of Bose internal things!
These technological wonders have a 2.5 inch "twiddler" speaker in each cube, then the awesome bass is supplied from a 5.25 inch woofer...how could you not get jaw dropping sound? The funny part is if you look at the manual link it tells you to set your speaker settings to the LARGE setting!
I cant be sure but I think I saw one time that the module speakers only go down to like 250hz.