What are in these Bose speakers anyways

[url=http://www.bose.com/controller?event=VIEW_PRODUCT_PAGE_EVENT&product=am10_surround_inthebox&linksource=productnav_txt_inthebox Bose Acoustaless[/url]

On the website I could find no info of Freq. response, drivers used or sizes of drivers and no mention of the materials used for the cabinet. Don't people want to know what they're getting for $800 or $ 900 dollars? I am courious to know if anyone knows the make up of these speakers.
These technological wonders have a 2.5 inch "twiddler" speaker in each cube, then the awesome bass is supplied from a 5.25 inch woofer...how could you not get jaw dropping sound? The funny part is if you look at the manual link it tells you to set your speaker settings to the LARGE setting!
I cant be sure but I think I saw one time that the module speakers only go down to like 250hz.
There is a great article that talks about the Bose Acoustimass system and compares it to audiophile grade components. (I can't seem to find it currently) The cubes are made of plastic, with nothing in them but air. The cubes are crossed over at around 280 Hz and the sub stops at about 200Hz or so. They actually remove some of the music. Appartently they feel this range of music is not important.

Most the large, elaborate displays have as much as 30K in electronics driving them. The need to get decent sound out of their displays. Ask the demo guy next time you are at the outlet to see the back room, to get a quick peek at the electronics. I'll bet he won't let you see it. THis is mostly in their outlet stores if I'm not mistaking.

As far as the CC and BB displays, who listens to their rear speakers inches from their head as the display emulates? Put the same setup in a room that is 13x20 and things start to fall apart like a cheap meatloaf.