Quick recommendation for SF Bay Area audio stores

Just found out I will be in the San Francisco Bay Area (Concord) in a couple of days for the long weekend, and I was hoping to hit some good audio stores. Does anyone have recommendations - anywhere in the East Bay works, too.

Just FYI, you are staying in the East Bay. The best choice is Music Lovers, located just east of Shattuck on Blake in Berkeley. The Soundwell, also in Berkeley, is on University Av but only open 12-3pm on Saturday. Your best bet for density is the city (San Francisco). Again, Music Lovers (SF), Audio Vision and House of Music are all located in the same general area.
Have a fun trip Scott-
check out Music Lovers & SF Audio Vision. Report back to us and tell which shops you visited/gear auditioned. Happy Listening!
Hope you have a better experience at music lovers (Berkeley) Than I did. I dealt with Harry a sales person. Wanted to demo $1200.00 phono stage. I was ready to buy. Instead I got a sales person to lazy to connect it. Even though I identified other gear and speakers that I have never heard. He never offered to let me listen to anything. He tried to use the it's the last one in stock and it could sell anytime routine. All he had to do was let me listen to it and get to hear a already setup system and I would mostl likley been a buyer. I was really frustrated with the experience. What ever you do act like your about to drop 25k so you can hear something.

On the bright side San Francisco is great.
Thanks! for sharing your story Darkstar1-

make certain that you write a letter (no email) to the company whom makes the $1200 phono stage and tell them your experience w/ music lovers. Do not forget to name, names of those who did not assist you w/ your demo.

It is important to list/post both positive/negative experiences when dealing w/ these dealers/retailers.
The Audio company entrust the dealer network to sell/service their wares to us consumers. I have done this very thing in the past, I tell you it works every time!
Keep me posted & Happy Listening All!