Recommended speakers around $10K used

Looking for recommendations on speakers to audition...

Current gear: Bel Canto DAC2, via Bryston SP1 and Bel Canto Evo 2 monos, to Talon Peregrines. Love the deep, fast bass, but midrange is lacking something -- it just doesn't grab me like the Silverline Sonatas used to -- and the soundstage is unnaturally recessed... back behind the wall somewhere.

Good news: I have $10K budget, perhaps a little more, and I am happy to buy used equipment.

Bad news: speaker placement is limited. Room is smallish (14' x 17') and speakers have to be on 14' wall, pushed back toward corners with TV and audio equipment in between. Back wall is actually only a partial wall...opens onto dining room.

I'm looking for speakers that excel at reproducing guitar (acoustic and electric), image well, and go deep. I like monitors but always end up missing the visceral bass of big floorstanders. Current ideas from trolling A'gon:

- Revel Studio or Salon
- Aerial 20T
- Wilson Sophia...listened to thess recently and was impressed by quantity of bass, but it seemed a little muddy and overall presentation was uninvolving...or maybe I was just in a bad mood
- JMLab Alto Be...really liked these with Sim Audio W5 amp, but thought they might be missing the last ounce of bass. Maybe my Evos would match better? Front ported should help with placement.

Would Dali Megaline be a significant step up for the extra $5K?

Any & all opinions appreciated. Thanks.
eggleston andra-I or andra-II.
a pretty forgiving/unfussy speaker imho, if you have
high-qualilty 100w/ch minimum amplification.
imaging might not be the best, but
my pair have improved significantly with
better cables, without having to move them around
(200lbs/ea!)- mine are about 3ft from side/front walls,
the only realistic place in the room that i could put them.
Try Dynaudio Confidence C4. Midrange is terrific and highs are very sweet and smooth.
If you are looking for midrange with overall coherent sound and have the proper space to place bipole speakers you should listen to soundlab's larger electrostatic speakers or an innersound eros mark 2 or 3 (which have a narrower sweet spots). I use small maggie 1.6 speakers but the larger 20.1 model will have plenty of bass if you have plenty of space. As you can tell, I prefer planar speakers to horns and cones but room set up is paramount in getting the proper speaker performance.