Help me shorten my list...

This is my list for front speakers, I will get a center a matching rears eventually but my main concern is 2 channel music listening. Currently they will be powered by Sherwood Newcastle A 965/P965 pre/pro (will upgrade within a year) My listening room has 10 foot cielings, is 17 feet long and 13 feet wide. I have a budget around $ 3000 USD used or new for the fronts. I am not concerned with bass below 50 hz. My main preference would be the most detailed, airy, liquid, transient speaker, my musical taste ranges from jazz to rock to electronic way overly processed music.

So far my list includes but feel free to ad or remove certain items. Thanks in advance!

Aerial acoustics 6
BW 703
Canton Vento 807
Dynaudio audience 82
Energy Veritas 2.3i
JM Labs Cobalt 816S
Legacy audio classic
Martin Logan Clarity
Meadowlark Osprey
Monitor Audio Gr20
Monitor Audio silver res6
Morel Prelude
PBN Montana sp3
Revel Performa F32
Silverline audio models???
Soliloquy 6.2is
Joseph Audio RM22SI
Thiel 1.6 or 2.4
Triangle audio models??
Usher X929 or CP series
Kef XQ5
Reference 3A Veena
Tyler Acoustics, Link brook floorstanding reference monitor
I have firsthand experience with the Soliloquy 6.2i, Silverline Sonata II's, and two variety's of the Dynaudio Audience line. Dynaudio's like some horsepower to get the most out of them, but they are good speakers, and you should be able to get a better model than the Audience 82 for your money if you are buying used. I find the Dyn's to be full bodied with good dynamics... an all around good performer. I currently own Silverline Sonata II's, and they are a great value used at around $2700, and excel at transparency, detail and soundstaging, and are very efficient and amp friendly... highly recommended. The Soliloquy 6.2's would be low on my list... if you go with Soliloquy opt for the 6.3's for a fuller midrange & bass and a better overall sound... and they are tube friendly. If I had to pick between the three based only on your criteria, I'd go with Silverline Sonata II's... although I do like Dynaudio a lot.
I would say the Sonata II's are a wonderful choice. Cant go wrong with them. I owned them and miss them.
>>I'd cross off the BW 703s and suggest the 805 Signatures<<

I'd cross off the 805 as well.