Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews

Why is it that Stereophile has no Von Schweikert reviews in there archives? Did Albert piss them off? How would you rank Stereophile magazine against their competitors such as The Absolute Sound and others. Who is your favorite? Thanks
Of the population that reads Stereophile, the best demographic, us, is reachable without paying their preposterous price by simply reaching out to the Audiogoners.

As successfull as Audiogon is (it's also a partner with Stereophile now, by the way), I think "we" are only a very small part of the demographic that Larry may wish to reach. There's a whole other world out there who use and appreciate this kind of gear and do not visit Audiogon and do not read Stereophile. Best strategy is to pepper all the venues, as the previous owner was doing very effectively, and keep that buzz going (though I do think the original owner went a bit far in his efforts as all the deleted threads may have attested to). Regardless, I think his campaign was very effective. Larry, I truly mean no offense by this, but the current full-page ad you've been running with the Photoshop-obscured view of one of your amps....well, from both a consumers point of view, and from someone been in the advertising business for over twenty years, that really needs some reconsideration. I have no idea what you are trying to do there, but it almost looks like someone accidently ran the comp for the ad. Those full pages have to cost you a goodly amount of coin...I'd invest in some better photography and graphic design to make that investment work for you more effectively. Just one man's unsolicited opinion mind you. The previous owner was running some very slick ads, well designed, with excellent photography, that made the product appear to be worth much more than he was charging for it. The current ads I'm seeing do not draw me in to read more about the product, and do not speak at all visually of the product itself. If your ad doesn't make the reader stop and read about the product, it's a wasted investment. Anyone else finding that with the current run of Larry's ads? Maybe it's just me as I am a very visual person and put a strong emphasis on the visual, especially in this 5-second attention span culture we live in.

isn't that the TV evangelist guy, who got busted for having an affair in a motel room ? Jimmy Schweikert ??
Marco, you really helped me out here.

I just presumed the ad was a flashback from my drug phase. I was getting paranoid and everything...
I don't get it. One of the most common comments about Stereophile is that advertisers get great reviews and other perks. We now have an advertiser saying he didn't get any perks from Stereophile at the RMAF and people use that as a point to further criticize Stereophile. You can't have it both ways. Either the reviews are independent opinions written by journalist, or the entire mag is one big paid for ad. For hardcore audiophiles Stereophile is somewhat irrelevant since it really caters to a mass audience, but at its subscription price it's hard to pass on. Regarding Musical Fidelity, it could just be that their room was more "fun" to hang out in. Free alcohol to entice journalist, what an original idea!
When magazines never say "this product sucks" - or the socially acceptable equivalent, they can't be taken seriously. In real life, isn't it more likely that we don't like items we review? Cars? Computers or software? Aren't critics of most things critical instead of supportive? Not so with Stereophile.

They can't take themselves seriously... but yet they do when it comes to turntables. So they get all bent out of shape over products that maybe 10% of their readers and 1% of all electronics customers may purchase. This misses the mark, in my mind.

So, they have content for 10% of their readers and are bound to like almost everything they review... better hire witty, edgy and controversial writers (like that one liberal idiot) to take the focus away from the formulaic reviews each product gets.

My subscription lapsed and I don't miss it at all.

Let YOUR ears do the review.
Don't forget to enjoy the music.