Ordered Visaton B200 for open baffle. Am I alone?

I'm posting this on the Speakers forum because it seems so easy to do it qualifies I think. Anyone else gone down this route. if so, whats your opinion? I will post what they do for me. Cheers, david
Similar....i've been toying with the PHY KM30 in a birch ply semi-open baffle (see PHY site for plans) with very good results. BIG, warm, lush, tonally correct, detailed but not in-your-face, and engaging. Having a great time with 2A3 & 300B.

Good luck and post back and let us know how you make out.
Nope, you;re not alone:) I tried the 200 on a 3'x4' baffle. As a "beginner's OB"... It turned out to be much more than a "beginner's" application.
See how it turns out for you. Check out Linkwitz (if you haven't already).
I am using the PHY KM30 SAG in an open baffle. I am ecstatic with the results. Unlike Mbhcid, I wouldn't describe them as warm and lush in my system. But then again, he is using them with a 2A3 & 300B. I am driving them with a Berning ZH270 which would explain a lot of the differences we might be hearing.

However, I would agree with Mike that they play BIG with fabulous imaging, great tonality and a realism that is spooky at times.

I am using a Velodyne DD12 to supplement the PHY's below 40HZ, but when I turn my sub off, I really don't lose that much. But I do think my system sounds better with the sub on.

I won't be going back to boxes anytime soon. I am sold on the amazing "openness" of an open-baffle design. Quite frankly, I am surprised at how few have tried OB's. I am certain that many would be shocked at the OB sound compared to boxes.
I'm thorougly enjoying them in a set of 2x3 temporary baffles made from cork bulletin boards from Wal-Mart.
