Great sounding close to back wall speakers.

Looking for recommendations for great sounding speakers that can be located close (say within 24") of rear wall.
Disclaimer. I'm one of those Magnepan nuts.*smile*

I would not put an ported(front or rear)speaker close to a wall;I would stick to a sealed box.

Checking your system for a price range,I'd check and link through to the "Okara" page,and check that model and its upgrades.
Totem Arro's can be placed within 12 inches of the back wall. Totem Acoustics has other speakers that can be within 24". See their web site and select the FAQ section for the minimum distances.
Began a similar thread years ago, and settled on the Gradient Preludes. However, if I could have afforded it, the Combak Bravo would have been ideal.
Thanks for all the replies. I listen to just about all types of music excepting hard rock. I'm not familiar with some of the brands/models mentioned, so this will keep me busy for a while. Would need to stay under say $3,000 (used price) for speakers.