comparing monitors

I am looking for a monitor that will play well in a 12x15 room. That being said, I am wondering if anybody has had any experience with the Reimer's and jm reynaud offrande's. If you have heard both can you make some comparisons? Both are held in very high regard, so I am trying to find out the differences. I use a 35 watt tube amp and will have a tubed cd player. I guess if anybody else has suggestions on monitors that due what they should as a monitor(imaging sound stage etc) and have deep clean bass(for a monitor)let me know. Want to stay around 2000$ new or used.Thanks!
I don't only like a relaxed sound, but at the same time I don't like really anything from b&w that I have heard or some of the jm lab stuff. I thought the Harbeths midrange and bass were great but a little lacking in top end resolution. So, a speaker that has killer midrange and clean semi deep bass with highs that extend but never get bright and is utterly musical and seductive would be the one for me! If the Reimers do that I am all ears, what do you guys think?
I think you should listen to the LSA1. They fit your description: killer midrange, clean semi deep bass, highs that extend but never get bright, utterly musical and seductive.

Of course, system synergy is key. If you can audition them with a MBG, then it's a no-brainer.

I guess that's a big IF, though.
I am waiting for the tear sheet on them from larry, If they follow suit with the dk, with value then it could be a winner. 1000$ dollars seems dirt cheap to do all of that! But, if that's the case, I win!
Consider the Stone Image Rothschilde A2 Monitors. They are outstanding for the price and Jimmy R is a pleasure to work with.
hoggshead, they seem interesting! I must admit I would be afraid of the metal drivers, there have not been to many I have come across that I liked, usually edgy and not very musical. Have you heard these or do you have them? Can you give me a little more insight if you do? Thanks, Sean34.