Monitor Shootout

I'm searching for a new set of speakers. They will be in a room that is about 12x12 dedicated to this system. Electronics currently are a Musical Fidelity x150, a Rotel RCD 1072, a yamaha T-1 tuner and a Monster Power HT2600. I am using audioquest speaker cables.

I'm considering these speakers:

Revel M22
Paradigm Signature S2
Used B&W Signature 805
Dynaudio Focus 140

Some of those would have to be bought new, like the Dynaudio, as I have not seen any on the used market. I listen to all types of music and would be interested in hearing opinions from anyone owning the above speakers. I'm open to other ideas, and will be upgrading electronics, but want to decide on a speaker first. I have owned the Revel M20, and Signature 805 before. I liked the B&W very much, but would like to try something else.

I'm looking to build a very balanced system that will allow no listener fatigue. All your comments are appreciated.
Thechair, thanks for your well thought out response. Your comment about B&W is quite interesting to me. I've owned the sig 805, and the 805S. I prefered the sig, but they are very close in comparison. For you to state that the M22, and Paradigm are better is encouraging to me.

However, I've heard good things about Merlins in the past. I don't know any price ranges on the Merlins, but do have interest in checking them out. When you bought yours, did you audition in home, or at the retailer?
In your case, I would just replace the amp. Love the sound of the good old McIntosh MC240 to go with the B&W 805 series.

I bought mine without having heard them first, something I thought I'd never do. "Bluebull" on this website convinced me to research the TSM's, and so I read nearly everything online I could find about them. At, you can follow the personal owner reviews as the speaker has evolved into its present TSM-MX and TSM-MM versions. I regarded reviews for those two as nearly equivalent for my purposes. The evidence convinced me to give them a try.

When I first got them, they were not what I expected. What set me to speaker shopping was lack of bass extension and dynamics in my CDM1NT's. I suppose I was looking for thumpety-thump. If that's what you want, go Paradigm. I quickly learned that's not what the Merlin TSM-MX is, although as they broke in, their bass got more extended. Instead, they reproduce accurately 97% of the music (everything but the lowest bass) of 99% of my eclectic collection. We listen to a lot of female vocals around here, but I like everything from Led Zeppelin to Johnny Cash, classical and church hymns. These speakers shine on everything, and just let me relax and enjoy my music. On the other hand, they tell you quickly what your bad recordings are. After some post-purchase comparison, I've learned I can trust them as a reference. Now, I have a thirst to buy more good music and to listen again and again to what I already have.

You need to talk with Bobby Palkovic at the website. He can tell you where you may be able to audition his speakers in your area, and where there may be a dealer.
Thanks for all the comments. I noticed not many have mentioned the Dynaudios. Is that because they are too new and many have not had a chance to audition them?
Not going to ad my opinion.At this stage,I think it is quite clear ....

Happy listening.