Anyone have Legacy speakers these days?

I have a wonderful pair of Legacy Protege speakers. Anyone else have Legacy and what do you think of them? Thanks
I have a pair of Whispers and a Silver Screen II center channel and using Thiel 1.5's for the rear channels in DPLII. I am extremely happy with this setup and enjoy 2 channel or surround sound with the push of a button. The sound quality is so real it will stand the hair up on my arms. Watched the movie Troy last night and Stealth the other night. In 2 words, incredible sonics. My upgrading is complete.
my dad has the Focus 20/20 powered by Classe with Lexicon pre and CDP and it really is a great sounding set-up, and boy are those speakers beautiful.
I'm on my third pr. of Legacys. Classics, Focus 20/20, and now I'm using the Sig III. At the present time I am saving for the Whispers, and then I am done as far as speakers go.
Asst. gear is
VPI Scoutmaster w/dynavector cartridge and phono stage
Sony SCD-1 for SACD
SCD-1 transport into Audio Aero prima SE dac for redbook
Also use XM-Radio
Amps are the Parasound JC-1 monoblocks and I use an
Aesthetix Calypso line stage. Midrange and female vocals to die for with this system. Good extention in both directions. Very happy the way this system turned out.
I am using Focus 20/20s as mains and also hoping to sometime upgrade to Whispers. I also have the Silverscreen II front, Mist sides, and Studio rears. My LFExtreme is total overkill with the Focus 20/20s, but it might be useful if I get the Whispers.

Assoc. gear:
Esoteric DV-50 universal player
Krell HTS 7.1 pre/pro
Krell FBP 300C

So far, I am more than just happy with the sound. I have listened to many systems in my travels and the ones that rival mine are rather pricey in comparison. For now I am simply enjoying it...a lot...and spending money on disks.
I have a pair of 20/20's for close to a year now and I have to say I am satisfied with their performance. In the past I remember visiting hi end audio shops and being totally bowled over by the sound. Now...I listen and compare. I've heard better and I have heard worse, I haven't heard anything out their that has made me wish I did not buy the Legacy's. I guess I'm happy...for now :)