Dali, Amphion, Zu

Seriously considering Dali IKON6 vs Amphion Athene2 vs Zu Druids. Any thoughts from anyone who has heard these loudspeakers?
Well Mechans, I'm a real verifiable person whose been in this audio game for over 30 years, and I've never heard a more transparent or musical loudspeaker than the Zu Druid at anywhere close to it's price. I consider the Zu to be a steal. Nonetheless, choosing speakers is as personal as picking your girlfriend, so Lightfla, you're just going to have to listen to all three and decide for yourself.

I'll tell you this for sure, the customer service from Zu is unequalled. They truly are concerned with your satisfaction. Contact Zu for a free 30 or 60 day trial.
Don't Know about Druids, but ZU will be flavor of the Decade if they keep going, cause they blow everything out of the water between 1500.00 & 10000.00
How does one become verifiable? What on earth does that mean?
There are a goodly number of posters on here who love their Zus.
The autoresponse knockers get boring after awhile.

Zu offers a FREE 60 day home trial. You don't have to buy before you decide. See if the other speaker manufacturers will offer you the same deal.

Listen, then make your decision.
I enjoy the lively discussion.
Anyone in southern Florida willing to audition any of the mentioned loudspeakers? Fort Lauderdale here. Reluctant to spend a fortune on gear, since who knows what next Hurricane season will bring ;)