Thiel 3.7

Once again Mr. Thiel demonstrates that he is not one to rest on his laurels. The unique drivers, cabinet design, and 90 db sensitivity are very intriguing.
$10K, 33Hz +/-2 dB from an out of time and phase drone cone, 2.8 Ohm minimum impedance, metal back. Of course the proof will be in the listening, but, despite the engineering novelties and the excercise in cabinet craft, I can't help but think they're aiming at the wrong targets.
Here's a little vid on the 3.7. Harley doesn't know the difference between phase coherency and time coherency, but Jim Thiel does ;)
I'm going to be at Thiel on the 9th and will audition the 3.7s. If they can get close to my 7.2s I might weigh my options about downsizing to a pr. I have my 7.2s in a room to small right now.(although they sound great) I'm hoping they will be close or equal from the midrange up and I can add a small sub with them later to fill out the bottom end. I'll post my findings here when I get back in a week or so.