speakers for wall bookcase

boy i hate to ask this question, but it may be one of the most important questions i have ever ask in fifty years of audio, i have downsize to an apt. studio and have only a wall of shelves for my equipment. i need new elctronics, cd,int.amp. speakers..some suggestions thanks dwhitt
NHT makes a speaker with an adjustment for on shelf placement. It may not be the greatest speaker in the world, but it is competent and at least it was designed specifically for your situation. Any NHT dealer can help identify the specific model.
I live in an apartment and two of my systems (2 channel HT and Bedroom) have "speakers on shelf" placement. You will need to purchase either acoustic suspension/ sealed box speakers or front ported speakers. With that said, I have done very well with NHT SB2 (discontinued and replaced by the Classic 2). If you can find a pair of NHT SB2's or SB3's they are well worth it and way more than competent. The new NHT Classic 2's and 3's are a bit pricier and slightly better performers.

If you were to go the NHT route, I would suggest pairing them with a NAD C320BEE integrated amplifier ($400 list) and a Music Hall MMF A25 CD player ($540). Excellent synergy and stunning sound for the price (all in about $1500 list). I had this combination for a few years (before upgrading) and was very pleased.

If you want to go tubes, another combination (currently owned and in play) is the Prima Luna Prologue 2 and Omega Super 3 loudspeakers. Paired with the same Music Hall CD player, the system has great synergy and sound for about $2500.

If you are tempted to go with a receiver, Outlaw Audio has just released a gem of a two channel receiver (the RR2150). I now have the Outlaw paired with the NHT's and I like it. I have not had the Outlaw long enough to say that it is better than the NAD C320BEE ... but it is at least pretty good for the cash.

Regards, Rich