Best MONITORS availables

I have heard the MAGICO, and it seems to be one of the best monitors availables today.

Somebody here has heard the Peak audio incognito or princess, the Escalante Pinyon, the ultimate monitor among others? and for you which is the best?

Not heard of any pro studios using any of these monitors yet ....but if the sound quality is as impressive as the esthetic design then they must be very good.

Good luck!
For the few replies received it seems that the people don´t like monitors or don´t like these ones, is this true?
Emigene: You are on the right track. The Magico is very good as is the Kharma 3.2. The Peak Consult is very musical while not having the last word in resolution. The Ultimate Monitor is another outstandign choice. I had a pair in my system not too long ago and felt the imaged better than the Kharma 3.2's and have much better dynamics and depth. I have not had the Magico's here but have heard them quite a few times. I have had the Peak Consults and while being nice, they are not in the league of the Ultimate Monitors.

The cabinet construction on the Ultimate Monitors and the Magico's are among the best in the business. Two very different approaches and very different sounding as well.